Is your vehicle performing well this summer? We’ll steer you right.

For sparkling cars and commercial vehicles this summer

Ferguson and Menzies have the products you need to make your vehicle gleam and keep it running smoothly. With higher than average temperatures, protect your vehicle from heat stress and damage with the correct fluids.

Opus Engine Oils and Hydraulic Fluids

Your vehicle needs lubrication in all the right places over the summer season as well as winter to keep it functioning well and to avoid mechanical stress in the heat. Ferguson and Menzies stock a great range of engine and hydraulic oils for oil changes, lubrication and other hydraulic and mechanical uses. We also stock biodegradable oil and greases. 

Browse our range of Petrol and Diesel Engine Oils and Hydraulic Fluids.

Opus Traffic Film RemoverTraffic Film Remover

When it’s hot and sunny dust can affect the finish of your vehicle. Formulated for that shiny showroom finish, Opus Traffic Film Remover (TFR) is perfect for keeping bodywork, chassis and curtain sided vehicles free from heavy road film, grease and general soiling. 

Our Traffic Film Remover is a detergent available in various strengths and is suitable for use with all types of pressure washers, vehicle washing equipment and brush wash machines. It quickly and efficiently cleans cars and industrial and commercial vehicles while leaving the bodywork streak and stain free.

Plus you get the Ferguson and Menzies guarantee of excellence! 

Find out more about Opus Traffic Film Remover. 

ScreenwashOpus Screenwash

Keep your windscreen and radiator grilles clear of dead bugs and seagull droppings this summer – and ensure visibility is optimal to avoid sun glare and potential road traffic incidents. 

Available in Super Concentrate and Ready Mix, Opus Screenwash clears grime quickly and easily with minimal foaming, improves wiper blade performance with superior lubrication and is an essential product for year-round maintenance.

Find out more about Opus Screenwash.

Opus Lawnmower Oil

Opus’s high quality lawnmower oil is a cost-effective solution for keeping your lawnmower running smoothly during the summer months.

Our lawnmower oil is suitable for all petrol engine lawnmowers and keeps lawnmower engines clean with the most up-to-date detergent and dispersant additives.

Available in 1 litre, 5 litre and 20 litre bottles.

Find out more about Opus Lawnmower Oil.






Contact Ferguson & Menzies


+44(0) 141 445 3555



312 Broomloan Road Glasgow, G51 2JW