Synopus Max FE 5W/30 Low Saps


SYNOPUS MAX FE 5W/30 LOW SAPS is a very high spec heavy duty diesel engine oil that is designed to meet the necessary chemical limits required to maintain the efficiency of exhaust after-treatment devices, especially DPF’s and SCR, EGR NOX reduction systems. SYNOPUS MAX FE 5W/30 LOW SAPS provides the highest level of rationalisation in mixed fleets where a number of manufacturers, models and engines are being used. The Low Saps additive technology coupled with synthetic base oils also ensures a high level of component protection and cleanliness when operating in severe conditions with extended drain intervals.
Performance Levels
  • ACEA: E4/E7/E8/E11-22
  • API: CK-4
  • Daimler: DTFR 15C100 / 15C110 / 15C120
  • MB: 228.31 / 228.51 228.52
  • MAN M3271-1 / M3477 / M3775
  • MTU Type 3.1 / Type 2.1
  • Deutz DQC IV-18 LA
  • VOLVO VDS 4.5
  • RLD-4 / RLD-3
  • Scania LA, LDF-4
  • Mack EOS – 4.5
  • Caterpillar ECF-3
  • Cummins CES 20086 / CES 20081
  • DH-2-17, DH-1-17, DL-0-17
  • Detroit Diesel 93K222, 93K218
  • Maximum oil drain intervals.
  • The unique Low SAPS additive system keeps on working even in the toughest conditions.
  • Efficient after-treatment systems. Maintains the efficiency of exhaust after-treatment systems ensuring
    continued compliance with emissions legislation.
  • Engine protection. Designed to protect the latest European vehicles against all types of engine wear,
    deposit and soot build-up and bore-polishing. The unique formulation continues to protect under the most
    severe conditions, thus extending engine life.

Product Data

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312 Broomloan Road Glasgow, G51 2JW