Opus Elite


OPUS ELITE is a high specification diesel and petrol additive designed to improve fuel consumption, clean and protect injectors whilst reducing harmful emissions and improving engine performance. For application to all Diesel and Petrol engine road vehicles, trucks, buses, coaches, vans and cars.
  • 1 part of Elite to 2000 parts fuel treatment assures minimal treat cost.
  • For best results add Elite directly to empty fuel tank prior to filling with fuel.
  • Reduces fuel consumption typically by up 5%
  • May be used in conjunction with reagents used in SCR systems, for the reduction of NOx emissions.
  • Cleans injectors and fuel systems.
  • Improves power output and engine performance.
  • Prolongs component life.
  • Disperses water and counteracts microbial growth in fuel and storage tanks.
  • Protects components from the harmful effect of moisture droplets in the fuel.
  • Suitable for application to Bio fuels, B5 to B100

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312 Broomloan Road Glasgow, G51 2JW