Easycure R90AL


The Easycure range of resin curing membranes are used to protect freshly placed or formwork cast concrete from excessive water loss during the critical curing period and should be applied as quickly as possible to ensure maximum benefit. They assist the Contractor to achieve maximum strength and durability with correct mix design and minimize surface shrinkage cracks and dusting effect. This protection is achieved by spraying onto the fresh concrete surface. Easycure which rapidly forms an impermeable skin of resin over the concrete surface. This resin film will on weathering and/or attrition gradually disintegrate leaving a stain free surface
  • Opus Easycure provides a labour saving method of ensuring all fresh concrete is cured properly, without the use of ‘ponding’ techniques, or the continuous wetting of hessian stretched over the concrete surface.
  • When used in accordance with instructions it will disintegrate and flake off from the concrete surface over a period of time depending upon prevailing atmospheric conditions.
  • Ingredients remain in suspension and no special pre-use agitation is required.
  • A single application only is required.
  • The incorporation of an aluminium pigment in R90AL reflects heat and light
  • Reducing the surface temperature of the concrete.
  • Eventual finish and colour of concrete is unaffected by use of Easycure materials.
  • Materials supplied ready to use in factory sealed containers to specifications.
  • Aluminium grade may require agitation prior to use

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+44(0) 141 445 3555




312 Broomloan Road Glasgow, G51 2JW