Copper Anti Seize


Copper Anti Seize is a lead free multi purpose anti–seize compound for all types of threaded connections. It is suitable foe use, as an anti–seize up to 1100°C and will protect against seizure due to corrosion and chemical attack. Typical applications include pipe fitting and values in the chemical and petrochemical industries, gas refineries and oil drilling equipment. Copper paste has also found limited use in wide tolerance anti-friction and plain bearings, such as for kiln car lubrication at extreme temperatures
  • Prevents seizure and galling during assembly and therefore reduces assembly time
  • Enables the easy dismantling of component subjected to high temperatures
  • Provides an effective anti-seize in saturated conditions, including chemical environments and salt water
  • Enables fast and easy dismantling of components, allowing them to be reused after dismantling

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