Concrete Frostfree


Opus Concrete Frost Free is an anhydrous calcium chloride formula which is used in a variety of applications. In its liquid form it can be used to prevent and eliminate snow, ice and frost build up on hard surfaces and tarmac. Commonly used to treat pavements, parking areas and other surfaces which receive heavy footfall including pavement areas adjacent to shops, factories and where ice can be a danger. Supplied ready for use, simply spray on or brush onto affected areas to eliminate ice and snow. Fast acting and has no detrimental effect on concrete paved areas
  • Effective ice and snow control
  • Provides safe areas for public and staff to walk during inclement weather.
  • Non-hazardous
  • Easy to use
  • Can also provide dust control during building work.
  • Eliminates the use of salt which can be caustic and cause damage to surfaces.

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+44(0) 141 445 3555



312 Broomloan Road Glasgow, G51 2JW