Opus agricultural products – get prepared for spring

Red tractor on a country road on a spring day - spring agricultural products - universal tractor oils

Ferguson & Menzies is a top manufacturer of high-quality lubricants for agricultural vehicles.

Few things beat a spring day to get your work done.

Longer daylight hours and changing temperatures mean less stress on your machinery – and yourself. Our range of Opus Lubricants agricultural products can help too.

Taking your tractor or any type of agricultural machinery out of storage feels like an annual landmark but it is important to check a few things before forging ahead into the fields.

Check the manual

Your vehicle or machine’s model-specific manual comes with recommendations from the manufacturer for maintaining the tractor and is an important tool at this time of year.

Visually inspect the vehicle

Look for obvious signs of damage, rust, leaks, loose parts and alignment problems and consult your local agricultural maintenance specialist for assistance as soon as possible.

Check the battery, fluids and engine oil

The battery may have depleted or died completely during winter storage so charge it up for a few hours. Also check the battery’s connection cables and if they are unsecure arrange to replace them as soon as you can.

Refreshing your tractor’s fluids after a spell in storage or after bad weather is recommended as their quality and effectiveness could be affected. Engine oil should be of good colour and consistency. If it is not to a satisfactory standard, choose your replacement from our range of Universal Tractor Oils.

Ferguson & Menzies’ range of specially designed universal tractor oils includes semi-synthetic and mineral multipurpose tractor oils. They meet all the requirements of the mechanical components (‘wet’ brakes, hydraulics, gears and transmissions) of major manufacturers including Ford, MF, Allison and John Deere.

Browse our range of Universal Tractor Oils. If you have any questions about our products please contact us on +44 (0)141 445 3555, email us or use our online enquiry form.

Contact Ferguson & Menzies


+44(0) 141 445 3555




312 Broomloan Road Glasgow, G51 2JW