Ferguson & Menzies end of year blog 2022

Dennis Wozencroft Cascob Wales Ferguson & Menzies

We have had a busy year here at Opus Lubricants supplying our products which are distributed across the UK and Europe to a wide range of sectors.

You may remember we introduced you to Dennis Wozencroft, our distributor in Wales, back in January.

While business remained strong, the company sadly lost a member of our sales team earlier this year.

Kirk Lawson Ferguson Menzies

Our colleague and friend Kirk Lawson passed away on the 6th of April at the age of 75. Kirk worked with us for more than ten years and he loved serving customers, not only professionally but with his great sense of humour. Back in the day, Kirk was once a professional footballer with a career taking him from the Juniors to the top league in Scotland before finishing back at the juniors.

Kirk is still fondly spoken about today and is a big miss to the company and his colleagues.

Opus Lubricants welcomed two new starts in August and October, Colin Caldwell and Roy Welch. We welcome both to the team and both are fitting in very well.

This month, as an early Christmas present, we are delighted to launch our new Customer Loyalty Scheme. Please contact your Account Manager for more details on this.

This has been a tough year with price rises through every sector of the business. Due to the struggles every business is facing, maybe we can give a little something back with the Loyalty Scheme.

We would like to extend our thanks to all Opus Lubricants’ customers for your continued support and we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2023. We look forward to working with you again.





Contact Ferguson & Menzies


+44(0) 141 445 3555




312 Broomloan Road Glasgow, G51 2JW